Author: Sapulut Covid Committee; Published Date: 18th February 2022

A look back at the response of the company to the Covid 19 pandemic, highlighting important milestones, preparations, strategy in managing the pandemic as well as business operations.

As early as March 2020, Sapulut Forest Development Sdn Bhd developed a plan for COVID-19 Guideline for Workplace for Forest Operations and quickly adopted the Standard Operating Procedures in preparation for reopening and business continuity.

Sanitization Work for Premise and Campsite

Visit by MOH at Quarantine Facilities

The company also established a task force to facilitate an agile response dedicated to pandemic response known as COVID-19 task forces by forming the Sapulut COVID-19 Committee. Among the 1st action by the committee was to ensure all staff returning to work and entering Forest Premise are to undergo health screen RTK-Ag as prevention of COVID-19 outbreak in camp.

A quarantine/ Isolation Centre for workers that meets the Ministry of Health (MoH) requirement was set up. In addition, meal preparations, movements, and logistics to and from the campsite were closely monitored and reported.

Vaccination for DOSE 1 under PIKAS on 29th July 2021 at SICC (Sabah International Convention Centre)

Vaccination for DOSE 2 under PIKAS on 19th August 2021 at SICC (Sabah International Convention Centre)

Under the Program Imunisasi Industri COVID-19 Kerjasama Awam-Swasta (PIKAS) by MITI, the company organized a mass vaccination of its staff on the 29th July, 2021 at Sabah International Convention Center. On 14th January, 2022, with collaboration with Ministry of Health (MoH), Sapulut Forest Development Sdn Bhd hosted the follow-up booster shots event for its staff.

Booster Shot under MOH on 14th January 2022 at Sapulut Forest