Sapulut vitalized the Heart of Borneo International Conference 2019, hosted at the Magellan Sutera from March 21st to 22nd.

This conference, centered around the theme “Transcending Boundaries For A New Conservation Era,” provided a platform for various organizations to showcase their dedication and achievements in conserving the rich forests of Borneo.

Sapulut’s participation in this conference was multifaceted. One of its primary objectives was to enlighten attendees about Sapulut’s broader scope, aiming to dispel the common misconception that its focus was solely on forest management. Instead, Sapulut aimed to raise awareness about its multifaceted initiatives. These initiatives extend beyond traditional forest management.

The highlight of Sapulut’s involvement centered around its Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) project, a collaborative effort with Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Consequently, this innovative initiative gained attention due to its global significance. Notably, CLT has been successfully employed in various countries. For instance, it was used in constructing the iconic Brock Commons Tallwood House in Vancouver, Canada, standing tall at 53 meters. This architectural marvel represents a pioneering venture into timber-based structural engineering on a grand scale.

By showcasing Sapulut’s CLT project at the conference, the organization emphasized its commitment to innovative and eco-friendly construction materials. This display of technological prowess aligned with global benchmarks like the Brock Commons Tallwood House demonstrated Sapulut’s dedication to pioneering sustainable and advanced construction solutions in the context of Borneo’s forests.

The conference served as a pivotal platform for Sapulut not only to exhibit its technological achievements but also to underscore the critical importance of sustainable practices in conserving Borneo’s invaluable forests. It highlighted the potential for transformative projects like CLT. These projects aim to redefine construction methodologies and significantly contribute to environmental conservation efforts.

Through its active participation, Sapulut not only reaffirmed its commitment to sustainable practices but also elevated the conversation surrounding the essential intersection between technological innovation, conservation, and the future of Borneo’s natural resources.

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